universal love Pictures, Images and Photos

When you go out into the world try to hold in your mind a feeling of unconditional love for everyone you see or come into contact with. Try to envision everyone as your brother or sister, from the beggar on the sidewalk to the corporate executive getting into his limousine, try to think of every human on the planet as a special, unique, and sacred being. When you speak with someone try not to get emotionally involved in whatever you are talking about, but instead keep the strongest feeling of love for that person in your mind as long as you can. Try to widen your love to include everything you see: the pavement, buildings, cars, rocks; everything in the world....

This practice is very difficult if you live in a populated area and it easier to try this exercise early in your day so you won't be influenced by negative experience. Most people cannot last even five minutes before they allow their ego or emotions to interfere with the feeling of Universal Love. Of course, you won't be aware when you slip out of it, but later, try to think back and remember when you lost it. See if you can figure out what it was that caused you to lose the feeling.

Try this every day for a week, and see if you can improve your "Universal Lovetime."

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